Download Food Log

Download your complete food log an in Excel file

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Downloading your food log is a MacrosFirst Premium feature.

The food log export file contains all of your nutrition history presented in three levels levels of granularity:

  • Day Summary - Nutrition actuals, goals, and notes aggregated by day

  • Meal Summary - Nutrition actuals, goals, and notes aggregated by meal by day

  • Complete Details - Both of the above combined plus the granular food log

The export file is formatted to make advanced analysis in a Pivot Table possible.

Download Your Food Log

  1. Go to Daily Log

  2. Tap the ... button in the top right corner

  3. Tap "Export Meal History"

  4. Specify the start and end dates for your report

  5. Tap the "Export History" button

  6. Your report will be emailed to the preferred email address on your account. You can find and update your email address at More > Profile.

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