Daily Goal

How to manage your daily macro goal

Your daily goal is where you can configure your daily nutrition targets (protein, carbs, fat, and calories), the recurring meals within your goal, optional meal level macro targets on those meals, and the weekly schedule for the goal.

During new account setup you are guided through creating your first daily goal. In this article you will learn how to edit and manage your daily goals.

Editing a daily goal

  1. Tap Goals in the bottom navigation (the 🎯 icon)

  2. Tap into your goal to access the "Edit Goal" screen

On Edit Goal you can rename your goal, set new macro targets (either manually or by clicking the "Calculate My Macros" button to be guided through the macro calculator), update your goal schedule, and update the goal meals.

When entering your macro targets manually, MacrosFirst will automatically calculate your calories from the macros you enter. You can also set your own calorie target, independent of the macros. This is useful if you only want to set a daily target for some nutrients, like Protein and Calories, but not all.

By default all daily goals are created with four meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snack. On the Edit Goal page you can rename these meals, create additional meals, and reorder them by tapping and dragging each meal to a new position. So, no matter whether you eat 3 meals per day or 10, you can customize your daily goal to match your eating habits.

You can also optionally specify macro targets within each meal by tapping on the meal and entering the macros. Just like for the daily goal, calories are automatically calculated.

To delete a goal meal:

  1. Tap on a meal to enter the "Edit Goal Meal" page

  2. Tap the red "Delete Meal" button at the bottom of the page

Edits to a daily goal apply on your daily log from today's date moving forward and do not update past days in your daily log.

Creating multiple daily goals

success icon
Multiple daily goals is a MacrosFirst Premium feature.

Creating multiple daily goals are useful for carb cycling, setting different goals for rest days vs. training days, or uniquely managing cutting and massing phases.

To create a new daily goal:

  1. Tap Goals in the bottom navigation (the target icon)

  2. Tap the + button in the top right corner

You can also copy any daily goal from the "Edit Goal" page and tapping the copy icon in the upper right corner. Copying a daily goal is useful if you wish to adjust your daily targets without having to also rebuild all of your goal meals from scratch in the new goal.

Deleting a daily goal

  1. Tap Goals in the bottom navigation (the target icon)

  2. Tap into your goal to access the "Edit Goal" screen

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap the red "Delete Goal" button

Changing the goal on your daily log

Goals can be scheduled for each day of the week. Premium members with multiple goals can override the goal schedule on their daily log by tapping the ... button next to the goal and selecting a new goal.

For example, if you have a "Training Day" goal scheduled on Tuesdays but this Tuesday you couldn't workout, you can use the ... button to change today's goal to "Rest Day" or anything else.

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