Recipes allow you to combine multiple ingredients into a single serving, with nutrition information automatically portioned, which you can log on your daily log as a single entry.
Create a Recipe
You can create a recipe by tapping the +
button in the bottom navigation or the +
button in the top right corner of the food search screen, then:
Tap "Create Recipe"
Enter the Recipe name
Enter the number of servings
Add your ingredients
Fun fact: Ingredients can be automatically portioned according to your nutrition goal for that food, just like foods logged to a meal. For example, if you wanted your recipe to contain 100 g of protein from chicken breast, then add chicken breast as an ingredient, enter 100 in the protein field, and observe the ingredient quantity update to provide 100 g of protein. ✨
To delete an ingredient from the recipe, swipe it to the left.
Enter the total weight of the whole recipe after cooking (optional but awesome)
This setting gives you an additional serving size option to use when portioning your recipe to eat it. For example, if you cooked a soup yielding 5 servings, then when it comes time eat the soup you'd have to eyeball portioning out 1/5 of it each time you eat it which is imprecise and impractical. However, if this same soup weighed 1,500 g after cooking and you entered that in MacrosFirst, then you could portion the soup by grams in addition to servings when logging it.
Add preparation instructions by tapping the
button next to Preparation.Tap the done checkmark in the top right corner to create your recipe.
Edit a Recipe
From food search, tap the Recipes tab
Tap on the recipe you wish to edit
If you're in a food logging flow, tap the
button in the top right corner and select Edit RecipeIf you entered from Profile > Saved Foods, Meals & Recipes, then you can make your edits on this screen
Make your edits
Tap the done checkmark in the top right corner to save your recipe edits.
Copy a Recipe
Copying a recipe is helpful to create different versions of a recipe without have to start from scratch each time.
From food search, tap the Recipes tab
Tap on the recipe you wish to copy
Tap the
button in the top right corner and select Create CopyMake any edits on the Create Recipe screen and tap the checkmark in the top right corner when done
If you're in a food logging workflow, then on the Add Recipe screen, set your serving size and tap the checkmark in the top right corner to log your new recipe to your meal